Particle Astrophysics in Poland

Kraków, 13—16 February 2023


Registration Fee amounts to 700 zł or, in the case of students and PhD candidates, 500 zł. The fee covers Coffee Breaks, Welcome Reception, Poster Session with wine & snacks, as well as Conference Dinner; it is to be paid either in cash on site, or in advance by a bank transfer. The bank account details provided below.

Bank name: Pekao S.A.

Account number: 07 1240 4722 1111 0000 4855 9692
IBAN: PL07124047221111000048559692
Title: "PAP2023 [ name of participant ]"

Please note!
Account holder name is: Jagiellonian University
Account holder address is: Golebia 24, 31-007 Krakow
Bank address: Pijarska 1, 31-015 Krakow

All the oral presentations are invited, and the contributed presentations will be displayed as posters. Posters will be available in the room adjacent to the lecture hall for all the duration of the meeting; a dedicated Poster Session with wine & snacks will be held on Tuesday afternoon.

Conference Dinner will take place in one of the historical restaurants in the city center on Wednesday evening (15.02.2023; 19:00 — 22:00).

For registration, please send an email to [email protected] providing the following information:

  1. Title, Name and Surname
  2. Affiliation
  3. Registration Fee to be paid: 700zł (regular) / 500 zł (student)
  4. Type of presentation: talk / poster / none
  5. Title & short abstract of the presentation
  6. Special dietary requirements
  7. Permission to be included in the “Particle Astrophysics in Poland” (PAiP) mailing list

The deadline for sending the registration email: FEBRUARY 6, 2023 (Monday)